ACORN Toronto is hosting a workshop on above-guideline rent increases on Thu. Oct. 22, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. You can participate by phone or online (see below for details).
CAPREIT has applied for an above-guideline rent increase covering 113 of the 121 units at 2 Park Vista. This is the second above-guideline rent increase CAPREIT has applied for at 2 Park Vista since 2015.
Some tenants at 2 Park Vista have received a notice of a 4.7% rent increase (a 2.5% above-guideline rent increase plus the 2.2% guideline increase for 2020).
The Park Vista Tenants' Association encourages tenants to take part in the Oct. 22 ACORN workshop to better understand the rules around these extra rent increases.
ACORN will cover details related to above the guideline rent increases, what they mean and how to fight back. There will be time to ask questions and learn about the tenant organizing already happening in the city and how you can get involved!
Two easy ways to join -
1.) By dialing 647 374 4685, and then enter meeting ID 217 763 0191, press # and then press # again.