Tuesday 5 May 2015

Park Vista Community Clean-Up

On Saturday May 2nd, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon an awesome team of volunteers ranging from Park Vista Tenants, to Board Members of The Park Vista Tenants' Association alongside Capreit's maintenance & management team all got together to make our Community an even more beautiful place.

A gratitude of thanks goes out to this amazing group of dedicated and caring volunteers:

Capreit's Team:
  • Pat Miller - for her support, cooperation and assistance with the set up of the event (thanks for the coffee & donuts!)
  • John Kerr
  • Jessie and Alex Falcon (the 'supers')
  • Cristian Voicu (thank you for the Tim Horton's Tim bits!)
Park Vista Tenants:
  • Toby
  • Dave Hallsey (thank you for the doughnuts)
  • Paul & Carole Ward
  • Bogdon and his wife
  • Colleen
  • Larry
  • Brandon
  • Jacob
  • Ken
  • Eddie
Park Vista Tenants' Association Board Members:
  • Maryanna Lewyckyj, Building Director, 6 Park Vista
  • Paul St. John, Building Director, 2 Park Vista
  • Dawn Reeve, General Director, 7 Park Vista
  • Audrey Matthews, Building Director, 7 Park Vista
  • Carol Brown, General Director, 7 Park Vista
A very special thank you goes out to Grace St. John, (2 Park Vista) and PVTA Board Member, for coordinating this event and making Park Vista greener!

An excellent job with a huge heartfelt appreciation to each of  the Volunteers for your hard work and dedication, on behalf of the Park Vista Tenants, the PVTA Board and it's Members
Thank you!!!!