Monday 21 December 2015

Festive Fundraiser Supports Local Women's Shelter

Amazing Grace St. John and the tenants of 2 Park Vista gathered together December 6 to collect gifts and raise money to help a local women’s shelter.

The event raised $260 for the shelter and six large bags of toys were donated, along with a box of assorted dolls lovingly hand-crafted by Carole Ward.

Tenants were treated to baked goodies, holiday music and lively conversation. Guests even got to greet the season’s star icon, Santa, a role performed with jolly flair by Roy Delavigne, who has more than 15 years of experience as a mall Santa. Roy took time out from his busy holiday schedule to support a worthy cause.

When the event ended, Santa’s helpers Lexi, Max, Zoe and Gabby made sure the gifts were safely delivered to YWCA shelter manager Carla Netro for needy families to enjoy this holiday season. 

Grace St. John with Santa Roy Delavigne

Santa with tiniest guest

Shelter manager Carla Netro with Santa's helpers

Carole Ward's amazing handiwork

More crafty creations from Carole Ward
Carole Ward's whimsical doll

More hand-crafted companions courtesy of Carole Ward